The Trinity Story – In the Beginning

(11 customer reviews)

£ 18,00

The Trinity Story® book series retells the Biblical account in story form while aiming to remain true to traditional Christian theology. Striking the delicate balance between theological accuracy, divine inspiration and artistic license, The Trinity Story® is a must-read for all who seek to follow the ancient path in a modern setting.

This first book of the series – The Trinity Story – In the Beginning – takes the Biblical account from the creation of the world to the Fall of Man while laying a theological foundation for God’s triunity, His attributes and His ultimate purpose for humanity. Through its intriguing plot and compelling characters, The Trinity Story – In the Beginning addresses themes such as the origin of evil, people’s relationship to the spiritual world and the central role the Son of God plays in humanity’s redemption.

Publisher: Trinity Publishing House; First Edition (11 Nov. 2021)

ISBN: 9786199193808

Dimensions: 17 x 1.8 x 24 cm

Paperback: 256 pages

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The Trinity Story - In the Beginning US Amazon



The Trinity Story® book series retells the Biblical account in story form while aiming to remain true to traditional Christian theology. Striking the delicate balance between theological accuracy, divine inspiration and artistic license, The Trinity Story® is a must-read for all who seek to follow the ancient path in a modern setting.

This first book of the series – The Trinity Story – In the Beginning – takes the Biblical account from the creation of the world to the Fall of Man while laying a theological foundation for God’s triunity, His attributes and His ultimate purpose for humanity. Through its intriguing plot and compelling characters, In the Beginning addresses themes such as the origin of evil, people’s relationship to the spiritual world and the central role the Son of God plays in humanity’s redemption.

Publisher: Trinity Publishing House; First Edition (11 Nov. 2021)

US customers can now purchase the book from

The Trinity Story - In the Beginning US Amazon


ISBN: 9786199193808

Dimensions: 17 x 1.8 x 24 cm

Paperback: 256 pages

11 reviews for The Trinity Story – In the Beginning

  1. E. Demartino

    A captivating and thrilling book written in a “majestic language”. I felt as if I was actually before the throne of the Almighty! I could sense the disciplined writing behind the long sentences so that every word has its right place and bears the correct weight of the spiritual burden it carries. Good job!! I am not used to reading about God without reading Bible quotes and references, your narrative was (and is) a novelty to me. Yet I enjoyed it more than I expected.

    There was also a sense of humor in many pages that I enjoyed very much.
    The story telling itself is amazing, and the way the reader is prepared to “accept” the final fact, is built up with caution and with dramatic suspense. As for the drawings, I have to say they are so inspired by the Holy Spirit, creating an atmosphere of heaven in the book. The songs also enriched the narrative and I agree that they were an indispensable element for the book to be complete and in accord with the Biblical narrative.

    God’s speed, anticipating the next one!

  2. Tommy Stewart

    Life Changing!

    The Trinity Story is a masterpiece, both in how it is written and in how it conveys a depth of understanding of the divine trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    Only when we truly grasp an understanding of the role of each member of the Trinity can we fully understand God’s love and plan for mankind and for the world in which we live.

    If you desire to know God more and want to ‘sit in’ on what a dialogue between The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit might be like then this is the book for you.

  3. Vladimir Nakov

    A story far from the ordinary!
    This is a story of the beginning, a story of the creation of everything. It’s not an ordinary story. It is based on the primordial truth of the Bible mixed with the imagination of the author. I don’t know which parts of the book are inspired by the Holy Spirit and which are of the authors’ imagination, but I was stunned when I read about the birth of the universe and of mankind. The vastness of this process is beyond human understanding. At the same time, it speaks about the origin of evil and how humanity was overcome by sin. But it is also a story of hope because love and faith are here and they are stronger than sin. The impact of this novel on the readers leads them to understand the root of sin and helps them liberate themselves from it through the power of the Holy Spirit. I recommend this novel to anyone who seeks to understand the world we live in and the path to freedom from spiritual darkness.

  4. Val Kanchelov

    There is nothing CONVENTIONAL about this book! The perspective, the content, the form – these are outbursts of sheer creativity! While navigating through the deep waters of the events in eternity past, the authors keep an eye on the shore of solid orthodox theology. It won’t be an overstatement to say that with this book they state a claim for participation in the big boys’ league, established by giants such as C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.

  5. Ann De Leste

    The Trinity Story is a book we read as if we’re out for a walk with Someone we’re in love with. No matter whether we’ve known Him or not, while reading it, we’re inevitably irresistibly attracted and we surrender to this relationship that is beyond comparison with anything or anyone, which had started as a desire for communion long before we were born. The book draws us into our own story. A story we didn’t even suspect exists. Or one we’ve already met and embraced thanks to the Bible.
    The Book of Books is a mystery which is unriddled in us only through the Spirit of Its invisible Author whom believers commune with in their own personal way. Yet a huge number of people haven’t experienced God and cannot be called believers. In one way or another they cannot trust something which is beyond this three-dimensional hard-to-sojourn-in world. Precisely because of the world’s antagonistic nature, human souls are far too bruised to be able to hear or accept Christianity’s theses, let alone identify with it. The genius of the Trinity Story is in that it translates the essence of the Bible into the language of the Spirit, in this way speaking to the reader in their own mother tongue. The Trinity Story transforms a super complex subject matter and remakes it into a personal confession – of the one sharing it and of the one hearing it. At one point, they find themselves to be mirror images of each other.
    The greatest achievement of the book is in the creating of an atmosphere reminiscent of a womb, of a home, of mutuality, of perfection, of a wholeness of purpose without which we, people, are like living dead in the cynicism of the dissonance that surrounds us. Reclined comfortably, as in an embrace, we finally surrender to the love language which we find to be analogous to our own. We are guaranteed bliss. Yet only if we’re bare-skinned, unclothed of everything that has overburdened our minds. The book is for the brave, for those strong enough to have the audacity to go beyond themselves and enter into an unexamined yet alluring dimension in which they will find themselves able to “breathe under water”.
    Congratulations to the authors who have managed, based on their solid theological preparation, to speak using the language of acceptance and empathy, which repaints the facial expression on the face of Christianity from one of severity to one of kindness and makes the look on that face sufficiently authentic.

  6. Benjamin Seeger

    Enjoyed every bit of it!
    The Trinity Story talks about The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit and about Adam and Eve`s experiences. The book sets ground on a completely new genre by combining story format with theology, and it does so excellently. An evenly weighted mixture between Biblical references and the authors’ own ideas are given and carefully placed throughout the book. The book constantly piqued my interest and sets itself apart from other books.
    It really is a must-read no matter if you are a Christian or not.

  7. Teddy Trandev

    This book is a MASTERPIECE!
    The story opened my eyes to see the devil’s deceits as never before. It made me think deeply on subjects like sin, motives, character, faith, TRUTH!
    There is such beauty in the way that the book is written- the conversations are so detailed and realistic, in the same time it is soaked in theology and doctrine! I am amazed and blessed to hold this treasure in my hands. I recommend it to friends and relatives – it is already having an impact!

  8. Milena M.

    “The Trinity Story” is a book I would recommend to anyone, no matter if he’s a Christian or not.
    Written in an understandable language and accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of theological knowledge, I find this a very sophisticated and in the meantime easy way to reach a wider audience. Exceptional literary style that introduces the reader to this beautifully told story, contrasting good and evil, love and sin.

  9. Ed B

    This is a remarkable book.
    The authors have quite managed to convey a familiar story in a fresh, dynamic and innovative way. Innovation is often over used in book reviews but in the case of ‘The Trinity Story’, it is certainly not an overstatement.
    I do not wish to spoil some of the authors’ innovations as it is best for the reader to discover them for themselves, but the intimate presentation of God as the events developed was very moving and led to some deep reflection long after the book was put down.
    I look forward to future publications.

  10. Vladislav

    I wanted to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know the thoughts of God; all other things are details.

    Thanks to L. H. FOUND and VENTSISLAV STOIKOV and their newly created / retold story in simple words about our creator, namely GOD.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication to the Creator. You have shown me what such a seemingly complex matter should look like reworked and published with so much LOVE!
    I was inspired as soon as I read the first pages and had to read it in one breath!
    Admiration for the results so far! The Lord loves you!
    Looking forward to the next book!

  11. Raphael Knospe

    The Trinity Story by L. H. Found and Ventsislav Stoykov takes you on an expedition to the very beginning. It leads you back to the origin of your and my story and to what life is really about. You will be shown the miraculous reason for our existence in a touching and compelling way as the book wraps up the biblical story of creation in a masterpiece of art and writing. It describes what happend before there was time and space and gives you a sense for the true source of mankind. You may finally understand the character of God, his love and affection towards us and his perfect purposes for humanity. It can be said that this book shows who we really are, where we come from and what the destiny of mankind really is. This book is a must-read for everyone who is still looking for answers to the existential questions in life. The inspiring graphical illustrations and powerful lyricism and the overall novel character of the book are making it even more indispensable to read!

    Big thanks to L. H. Found, Ventsislav Stoykov and the whole team for the excellent work!!

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